Monday, May 25, 2009

More Peanut

Things I love about Peanut...

1. She's the only dog that I know that sleeps like a baby. A very heavy sleeper, indeed!

2. She likes going up to our beds... but in the process, she struggles, cries and gets really frustrated. She ain't a great jumper. And I find that so cute! ;)

3. She stares at you (just like pictured above.) :) 'nuf said!

4. She sometimes attempts to go incognito in a tiptoe-ish manner. And it works! Thus, either enabling her to pass our radars or simply getting locked in rooms because we don't notice her entering it! 

5. I love it how she doesn't always run for the grassy areas. :) I find it quite mild mannered of her. 

6. Peanut doesn't seem to ever be too shy to get right in your face--literally! She can get really up close and would often sniff our faces; her nose touching our faces literally. Adorable. :)

Puppy Files: Peanut

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Milk Bath: It's Not Just for You

It was actually during a recent visit to the vet that I learned of a really good tip for chow chow owners who want to maintain the rich and fluffy coat of their pets. The key lies in MILK BATH! :-) Basically, any kind of milk bath (goat, vegetable, et cetera) should work. I used Autrepart Lait de Bain Au Lait Vegetal after of course, an initial round of soap and water battle with Mallows. (She's not fond of bathes.) Another tip that we've learned from a different vet is the use of Perla, a local detergent, which is also ideal as an initial soap for pet bathes. Perla is milder than the typical commercial detergent, is made with natural ingredients and is even said to contain coconut milk. The latter needs to be confirmed. But if you're concerned with flea or tick problems, Petgard's dog soap is another option. Try it! Whether your dog is a chow chow, a mini pomeranian, a shi tzu or any other type of dog that has a rich coat such as Mallows, I'm confident that their coats will come out to be soft, fluffy, and more importantly, huggable!

*Photo taken from